
Eco de los Andes

Brand Digital Strategy

Eco de los Andes

January 1, 2018

As the Creative Director at Lanzallamas ad agency, from 2013 to 2018, I developed and executed digital strategies and creative campaigns for Eco de los Andes, a prominent Argentine mineral water brand.

Our work included managing Instagram and Facebook campaigns, where we surpassed engagement rate objectives, and creating rich media banner ads. We produced compelling video and photo content for social media, brand events, and print ads.

A notable success was the #MendozaPorMendocinos photo contest, which celebrated Mendoza’s heritage and became a lasting trend. Additionally, we launched an innovative web app for the Eco ONE edition, featuring a Personal Trainer 2.0 activated via a QR code on the bottle, and developed social rich media campaigns that engaged users through interactive mobile banners.

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