
Simplicidad Audaz


Tengo 41 años y más de 19 años de experiencia en estrategia digital, creatividad y producción. Trabajar con agencias digitales y productoras me ha dado una perspectiva única y holística que con mucho gusto aplicaría para promover tu marca o proyecto. Como alma creativa, creo que la mejor manera de abordar los desafíos que surgen de la innovación es con simplicidad audaz.

Áreas de trabajo:

• Storytelling de Marca para Canales Digitales
• Redacción Creativa
• Diseño y Desarrollo Web
• Creación de Contenido
• Diseño e implementación de Newsletters
• Social Ads: Instagram - Facebook - LinkedIn
• Informes: Desarrollo de Perspectivas a través de Análisis Integrados


Diseño y Producción: Adobe Illustrator / Photoshop / After Effects / Premiere / InDesign

Desarrollo Web: Webflow / Drupal / Wordpress / Woocommerce / Shopify

Integraciones de Plugins Web: Fedex / Salesforce / Zapier / Stripe / Klaviyo / Mailchimp / Attentive / Pendo / Google Analytics

Música: Ableton Live / Teclado / Batería

Otros: Escritura / Meditación / Navegación


• 1stAveMachine BA
• Arnet
• Banco Macro
• Campo Simple
• Club Atlético Boca Juniors
• Diesel
• Edenor
• Eco de los Andes [Nestlé]
• Falabella
• Fallen Footwear
• Glaciar [Nestlé]
• H.H. the Dalai Lama
• Hang Loose
• ISA Surf
• La Bienal Joven de Buenos Aires
• Levi's
• M Boats
• Modern Mill
• Motorola
• Personal
• Popart
• Puma (Mexico)
• Sony Music
• Vecinos App
• Pininfarina / Vizora

Redes Sociales


Why should I build a website when I have Social Media?

What's your process?

Your website is your best advertising campaign. It’s your home. Social media platforms are not; they are embassies where your brand is represented on someone else’s platform. Moreover, they are ‘social’, meant to spark conversations about contextual topics. Your website, on the other hand, is your Store, your Home, your Domain (literally). Potential clients visit with intent—they want to know more about you.

Here's my work process.

1. Understand the challenge.

First I listen. What does your product or service offer? What is your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)? What makes you stand out? Who is your customer? How do they arrive at your website? What are they looking to do? Is your website effectively communicating all of this?

2. Creative Concept.

Second, we agree on the main concepts that will guide the coming ideas. In this era of hyper-speed, you only have seconds to grab your visitor’s attention. The AIDA model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) leads the way. The first step is attention, and it’s about conveying a brand in seconds—through color palettes, typography, and a brief message. The concept can be summed up in one sentence. It’s the first message that must capture attention and spark interest. A good concept often stems from an insight, a key discovery about your brand or customer. The Home's first concept may be your brands Slogan, or maybe the concept of your latest campaign.

3. Idea.

The concept comes to life through the idea, in this case, the design of the website. The storytelling begins with the first thing visitors see upon entering: the cover of the book. A great title and a photo or video. If there’s animation or interaction, even better! Keeping the visitor engaged is key. All designs are presented before entering the website development.  

4. Production.

Website development includes all texts, images, and designs, adapted to four standard formats: desktop, tablet, mobile horizontal, and mobile vertical. Animation and interaction elements are included. Before launching, we optimize for search engines (SEO), test the forms, and implement Google Analytics. After the final testing, the site is published, and we launch a campaign to invite everyone to your new home.
